7 Aug 2012


Have you ever sat down with your book and stared at the same words until you fall asleep? You know you should study but you just don't feel like it? Hopefully these ideas will help you get motivated to study.

Find a quiet place with little distractions, such as a room, a library, or a living room or at a cafe.
Get paper, pens, etc.
Have all your stuff there. You don't want to run round the house getting them while studying.
Think of the good stuff before starting such as what you will achieve by doing this.
Decide on some colleges/schools you might like to go to.
Though studying is sometimes boring and hard, think of what you will achieve in your end results, that will always keep you pushing yourself to study.
Don't think about that level you are supposed to complete or where you should be, just sacrifice your fun time for awhile to study, it's hard but like I said in number 6, it always pays off in the end.

Do not procrastinate, i.e. don't wait until the last minute to do a long project or finish a book for class. If it is assigned Monday and due Friday, start on Monday and finish early in the week so you don't have to worry about it at the last minute.

Sometimes studying with a friend can keep you from getting bored. If this person is in your class, its more useful because they can help you with your work. But don't get too distracted by talking to him/her, remember, you're supposed to study!

Be sure to take good notes during class and keep them in an organized binder or folder. Use these to help you with homework, projects and especially upcoming tests. If you're scared you might miss out on a few things the teacher is explaining while writing your notes, just scribble on your notebook with a pencil while listening. You can always erase your pencil writings and re-write it legibly in pen!

If you know you have a test coming up, start studying early.
Get organized! Keep your desk or workplace clean and tidy, have your backpack free of papers you don't need, and keep all your papers in a binder with different tabs. When you are organized, you won't lose assignments, and working will be less painful.

If you need help, DO NOT BE AFRAID TO TALK TO YOUR TEACHER! I know teachers can be intimidating, but they are paid to answer your questions. They WANT to help you, and if you ask them questions, it will help you in the long run because they know you are motivated and want to do well in their class. Don't worry about what other friends might think. It's better to know your stuff than to act all cool and showy and act as if you understand.

Get a tutor! Tutors can be fun and they definitely help in subjects you are not too keen on. If a tutor is too expensive, you could always ask a family member with good knowledge of the subjects you are weak on to help tutor you.

Just get started! Sometimes that can be the hardest part. Just read one section or chapter. Just do one or two problems. If you start early in the week, the assignment will pass by without undue stress.
Remember to drink lots of water to keep yourself hydrated! People are more productive when they're hydrated.

Study in comfortable clothing. You don't want to keep pulling up your trousers all the time - Keep hair out of your face..

If you're easily distracted, face a wall.


Don't cram or otherwise study a load of material at once. Do an hour with breaks in between.

If you are really into music, do not listen to it because you will be so focused on the song you will not be able to focus on studying.

Try not to think of things you would rather be doing. This will make you want to give up thinking that you don't need to be studying.
Be self disciplined at all times.

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