7 Sept 2012

6 Rules to Excel in CAT QA

most of the students struggle with the problem of low attempts (and low scores) in QA despite having good knowledge. Many students are unable to choose the right questions while attempting the paper and end up attempting difficult questions that not only take time but also get them negative marks.

However after the paper, while analyzing it or going through the solutions, you suddenly discover that there were easy questions that you tend to not notice while attempting the paper. this usually happens because either you’re not aware of your strengths and weaknesses in different topics of QA or you’re just plain afraid of leaving questions!

When you’re taking a competitive exam like the CAT, it’s not important whether you know more than the others. 

How you attempt the paper makes all the difference. 

Rule 1. I
 believe that a paper is not a place for R&D; hence attempt only those question types that you am familiar with.do not attempt any new kind of question in the paper R&D has to be done at home and not inn the examination hall.

Rule 2.
attempting the QA section in 3 Rounds starting with the easiest questions and do not be afraid of leaving difficult questions unattempted.

Rule 3.
 In Round 1 (R1),  go through the questions sequentially but attempt only those questions:

a. That are from ur area of interest or topics that I you are  comfortable with

b. That are not lengthy

c. That do not confuse you in the first reading

d. That can be attempted in about 75 seconds

Rule 4
 Lengthy or difficult questions from your area of interest will be marked in Round 1 and attempted only in Round 2 (R2).

Rule 5. 
If time is available, attempt remaining questions Round 3 (R3)

Rule 6. 
read the choices along with the question as it helps in deciding the amount of calculation, elimination of choices and in substitution.

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