18 Jul 2014

Mistakes to avoid while solving Quants

 Quant preparation mistakes ?

  Mistakes to avoid while solving Quants
If you are not getting decent percentile in Quants, then you are probably making this mistake.

The mistake most people do is not analyzing the questions they got right. They just don’t go over the solution in order to check if there is any shorter method available or not. They assume that they know it all and sometimes this mentality can kill your chances especially if you are preparing for exams like CAT, XAT, IIFT, SNAP etc etc., so if you are not aiming for top 25 MBA colleges then please don’t bother to read further because it may not be for you.

But if you are serious enough then I have a suggestion for you.

Always analyze the questions you got right. No matter what and if you do that it will not only teach you some invaluable lessons but it will also teach you whether your right answer was a fluke or not.

Other mistake most people do is when they learn shortcut methods which I wrote in book “Quant 101” which you can get here , if they become successful in solving questions using tricks or smarter methods, they just don’t attempt the question using actual concepts and the downside of it is, when you come across a problem which can’t be solved using any smart method, they just can’t crack it.

Why ?

Because they haven’t mastered the basics.

When you don’t master the basics, you are going to face a lot of problems.

The best strategy you can start applying right now

When you practice, solve problems using conceptual methods and then try to solve it using tricks.
When you give Mock tests, solve with smarter methods and then while analyzing , try to solve it using concepts.
If you master this now, you can conquer Quant easily.

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